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Ayurveda Tips Varsha Ritu

Hindu Calendar Seasons



Rutu lakshan



Chaitra + Vaishakh




Jyeshtha + Ashadh




Shravan+ Bhadrapad

Rainy season



Ashwin + Kartik




Margashirsh + Paush




Magh + Falgun

Dry winter


Changes in the season are responsible for the big changes in body. Temperature & humidity really stress the bodys system. According to that, we can maximize the personal home remedies of chief elimination systems. In the spring, the body should focus on cleansing the linear system like blood and intestines. In the fall, the body should clean kidneys, genitor-urinary system and blood.

Seasons & Doshas!

The Tridosha Theory in Ayurveda divides living beings into three categories on which the diagnosis & treatment is based. All Plants are medicinal.

  • Vatta Dosha accumulates during the dehydrating heat or the day of the summer. It is enhanced during the rainy season that causes acidic atmospheric conditions, weakened digestion, & gas.
  • Pitta Dosha accumulates during the rainy season and aggravates during autumn. It is caused due to the acidic conditions of the atmosphere & weak digestion.
  • Kapha Dosha accumulates during the cold season and aggravates during the spring. It is caused due to the cold and damp lead by the winds, clouds and rain.
  • Sharad Rutu is the breeding period for all diseases. Digestive system gets weak, Pitta aggravates and Vatta decreases.

What is Panchkarma?

Panchkarma therapy is an exceptional healing and detoxifying technique of Ayurveda science. This therapy removes the disease from root and makes the person healthy from inside. This cleansing and rejuvenating program is ideal for the body, mind & consciousness. It also ensures to provide beneficial effects on the wellness and health of the individuals.

In Ayurveda, it is reckoned as a whole, holistic approach to the removal of root cause of the chronic health problem. It offers systematic treatment for flushing toxins from every cell.
Specialized Panchkarma Treatment includes Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, Raktamoshana.

Ayurvedic Physician at Pitambaris Ayurtej Panchkarma Clinic conducts Panchkarma after checking Patients. Choice of Panchkarma therapy and Medication depends on the age, gender and diseases of Patients. Various aspects of Panchkarma is not given here, for more details you can contact us on 022-65005400/25842183.

Panchakarma treatment for Month

Basti is diseases with imbalanced Doshas and predominance of Vata. In basti treatment, half of the diseases of patients are cured. If person gets basti treatment in Varsha Rutu, then he or she will remain free of Vata disorders for a year.

There are mainly two types of Basti

  • Niruha basti, known as Asthapana Basti, decoction enema mixed with ghee, salt, honey, etc is administered.
  • Anuvasana basti, known as snehabasti, ghee, oil, etc are administered. Narayan Taila, Herbal ghritas and other herbal oils are also used.

Asana to be followed


Pavanamuktasan is ideal for curing acidity, constipation and indigestion. This can easily cure gastrointestinal problems, acidity, arthritis pain, low back pain, heart problems, menstrual disorders etc. It also strengthens back muscle and removes back pain. It also reduces belly fat.